Peace Building in District 5495
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
48th Ripple of Peace: Practice radical forgiveness.
Forgiveness is often more easily spoken about than granted. Yet it is one of the most promising tools for Peace, primarily because of the change in consciousness that accompanies it. Forgiveness frees the forgiver from the confines and consequences of negative emotions and opens the heart to possibilities previously unknown.
Today's world cries out for the radical forgiveness of individuals seemingly beyond such blessing, offering us both the challenge and the opportunity to turn our lives around.
Make a list people for whom you believe forgiveness is not an option. Then study spiritual and religious texts on the subject of forgiveness, most of which value and promote the act of forgiving.
Be the one who forgives.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
To forgive is to be forgiven.
May you know and be Peace.
49th Ripple of Peace: Cultivate the qualities of admired Peacemakers.
Some people, both from the past and in the present, provide excellent role models for those of us searching for ways to promote Peace. Each of these Peacemakers had or has qualities that set them apart from their contemporaries.
Make a list of people whose Peacemaking abilities you admire. Read about their private and public lives to determine the personal characteristics that you most admire in them.
Develop and refine these qualities within yourself.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
For the Christian believers among us we have an easy go to person. Yet, in every faith tradition there are great examples of Peacemakers that deserve emulation. Rumi, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Benazir Bhutto and among others, perhaps the humblest, Peace Pilgrim.
By becoming familiar with the qualities of a Peacemaker with which we resonate, we can quickly answer the question, "What would ... do?"
May you know and be Peace.
The qualities of Peacebuilders that we admire can become as familiar as a favorite garment. The more we are seen wearing our Peacebuilder garment, the easier for others to recognize these qualities. As you journey through life this week, be sure to tuck this ripple into an inner pocket.
50th Ripple of Peace: Keep a journal of gratitude or Peace
Gratitude is a stepping stone to inner Peace. It is nearly impossible to feel upset and grateful or Peaceful at the same time.
Count your blessings by keeping a gratitude journal, as recommended by Sarah Ban Breathnach in Simple Abundance. Write down, either daily of weekly, everything for which you feel thankful. Record both the little and big things in your life and keep the journal up to date.
You may also choose to keep a Peace journal. Write down the times you have felt at Peace during the day or week.
Begin to increase the amount of time you invest in the activities, people and environments that you associate with gratitude and Peace.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
The first entry in my journal is, " I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service through this incredible organization, known as Rotary." What will be yours?
May you know and be Peace.
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair 2023-24
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair 2023-24
Dear Friends of Peace,
Congratulations to those of you that decided to make a change in your life! You only have three weeks to go until that change takes hold. For those that haven't, this week's ripple is a great place to start.
46th Ripple of Peace: Simplify your life.
Many of us have so much to do that we often end up overbooked, overextended, and overworked. Simplifying our lives can bring us Peace of mind, as well as more time to nurture that Peacefulness.
When was the last time you had a day to yourself?
As yourself the following questions:
- What are the priorities in my life?
- What do I already do that contributes to my inner Peace and sense of fulfillment?
- What aspects of my life are energizing?
- What can I do to simplify my life?
Consider making a list of everything on your schedule for a week. Rank each item from five to one according to how much it helps you feel at Peace. (5 = It adds a lot; 4 = It adds some; 3 = It neither adds nor detracts; 2 = It detracts some; 1 = It detracts a lot)
Strive to reduce the number of activities with low scores, while increasing the number of activities with high scores, that you allow in your life.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
Repeat, repeat, repeat ... Meditate, meditate, meditate ... Simplify, simplify, simplify ... These all sound so tasky and in many ways, they are ... yet, the key to bringing Peace into the world, is to bring Peace into your world.
May you know and be Peace.
Dear Friends of Peace,
If it were only so simple to simplify our lives. Still, we may be surprised how much of an impact simple choices will have on quality of life. This week's ripple is a good example.
47th Ripple of Peace: Make conscious choices about what you read, listen to, and watch.
Each of us is influenced, either consciously or unconsciously, by what we allow into our minds and hearts. Words and images of violence, despair, and other forms of negativity can disrupt our sense of Peace, joy, and contentment.
Be mindful about the books, news articles, and magazines you read, the conversations, and music you listen to, and the television programs and movies you watch. The more positive the messages you see and hear, the more hopeful and Peaceful you are likely to feel.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
For many years, the first thing I did in the morning was check my email, followed by opening my favorite newsfeed. What I came to realize was for the most part, I was beginning my day by infusing my mind with negative thoughts.
While not a perfect exercise, my mornings now begin with meditation followed by a nutritious breakfast. Regardless of your practice, I hope your days begin on a positive note.
May you know and be Peace.
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
Dear Friends of Peace.
During the preceding week, I hope many of you chose to be courageously generous. Your acts of generosity created ripples of Peace in the consciousness of the recipient. Your generosity will contribute to your ability to benefit from the:
43rd Ripple of Peace: Balance work with play and renewal.
The imbalance of work over play and renewal can lead to feelings of anxiety or depression, even illness. It can also cause us to lose our appreciation and zest for life. On the other hand, maintaining a balance between work, play and renewal can enhance our capacity to cultivate and sustain inner Peace.
Make time each day to relax and have fun. Take part in activities that bring you joy, either on your own or with people who energize you.
Giving yourself the opportunity to rest and renew your inner resources will increase your energy and your enjoyment of life. It may also improve your effectiveness at work.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
Whether one is working or retired, maintaining balance in life is of great importance. While busy people get things done, we need to honor our mind, body and spirit by maintaining balance in our lives.
May you know and be Peace.
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair 2023-24
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair 2023-24
Dear Friends of Peace,
Considering current events, living in the present isn't a particularly attractive option. Yet, as the present is all we have, an effective way to shift our reality is to practice the:
41st Ripple of Peace: Participate in a Peace event.
Joining others in the name of Peace can augment our inner calm and contentment. It can also connect us with people of like mind and heart.
With a little research, it is relatively easy to find Peace-related events or meetings where people with similar interests come together. For example, the Prayer Vigil for the Earth, which takes place every September in Washington D.C., emphasizes individual and group prayers and features Native American elders. And the Peace events and ceremonies sponsored throughout the year by the World Peace Prayer Society offer numerous opportunities for participation at varied locations around the country.
Be on the lookout for Peace events in your area and make it a point to attend. Get on the mailing and e-mail lists of organizations whose mission you believe in to receive updates on their activities.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
At the risk of sounding simplistic, if we don't like what we see in the world, change the channel of your mind. Participating in a Peace-related event or activity is an effective way to avoid being impacted by negative energy.
As a Rotarian you have access to a vast network of Peace-related programs and activities. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need help finding one that suits your particular interest.
May you know and be Peace.
Throughout the year there are many Peace events that we can attend. On those occasions when a formal gathering is not on the calendar, we can create our own event be practicing the:
42nd Ripple of Peace: Be Generous.
Generosity is born of love. Its gift to the giver is as great as it is to the one who receives. As we open our hearts to others, we increase our capacity for inner Peace and our desire to bring about Peace in the world.
There are many ways to be generous with your time and attention, as well as with your money. Hand made gifts, in-kind contributions to charities, volunteer service and kindness to strangers are all loving and generous acts.
Find ways to share yourself with others and make it a point to do so on a regular basis. And remember to be generous with yourself as well by giving yourself the time and resources necessary to create and sustain your inner Peace.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
I have been described as being generous to a fault. Considering the range of faults that one might have, I am honored to be known in that vein. Still exercising discretion will help maintain balance in life.
There have been many occasions when I could have been expressed generosity, yet I was reluctant to enable bad behavior. I have been blessed to never have had the need to beg for support. Yet, if I ever was in need of help, I hope I would encounter a generous soul.
Be courageously generous ... leave the rest to the universe.
May you know and be Peace.
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair 2023-24
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair 2023-24
Dear Friends of Peace,
Whether real or a mental exercise, a vision quest for Peace will offer great insight. Once acquired this insight may become manifest by pursuing the:
38th Ripple of Peace: Seek counsel for prolonged feelings that interfere with your inner Peace.
Sometimes, no matter what we do, we seem unable to shake our fears, anger, or grief. At these times, it is wise to reach out to someone who can give us a helping hand.
Seek out a counselor, psychologist, spiritual leader, healer or other person you trust who you can listen to you. If you are looking for advice, find a qualified professional. If you are seeking someone to just listen lovingly, choose a close friend or family member who can remain truly objective and who knows how to help you transform your feelings into faith, forgiveness, and joy.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
Unfortunately, in many cultures, the need to seek support is considered a sign of weakness. This cultural moray reinforces a self-defeating, survival of the fittest, mentality.
Peacebuilders will be most effective when we achieve inner Peace. A greater strength will be achieved by confronting that which interferes with achieving your vision of Peace.
May you know and be Peace.
Those of use that have been brave enough to seek counsel know the value of the perspectives of trained, secular or non-secular, professional. Following one or more sessions, we have the opportunity to reflect and make decisions based on guidance from a learned source.
Along with their perspectives, we can act to:
39th Ripple of Peace: Develop your intuition.
Intuition differs from intellect in that it provides us with knowledge that seems to transcend available facts. Often appearing spontaneously, intuitive knowing gives us heart inspired insights and understanding that are unreachable through reasoning and analysis. Intuition is perhaps evidence of our connection to what twentieth century psychiatrist Carl Jung referred to as the collective unconscious, a universal aspect of the psyche to which all individuals have access. As such, it offers us the promise of an expanded awareness that can create Peaceful solutions to problems unsolvable by the intellect alone.
You can develop your intuition by paying attention to those moments when you are suddenly aware of a new insight that solves a long-standing problem or an "Aha!" that helps you understand a confusing situation. The more you acknowledge the messages you receive in this manner, the stronger your intuition becomes. Learning to access and accept intuitive information can ease your mind and contribute to your overall sense of well-being and Peacefulness.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
While reflecting on this ripple, I recognized many instances when my less conscious ego overrode my intuitive superego. While the outcomes may have not been to my liking, I realize those "life lessons" contributed to the person that I Am.
For the believers among us, as we are reflections of the I Am, we can tap into that ultimate source of knowledge and wisdom. Upon becoming a believer, I began to experience that "sudden awareness of new insight" which I then used to guide my decision making process.
Without fail, every time I made a decision based on intuitive insight the out come exceeded my expectations.
Off to buy a lottery ticket in the name of Peace!
May you know and be Peace.
Dear Friends of Peace,
For those among us, especially the ladies, that easily access our intuition, we are blessed with a powerful gift. A gift available to all that were able to recognize the wisdom presented by our intuitive self.
The ability to recognize intuitive "hits" will optimize the:
40th Ripple of Peace: Live in the present.
Sorrow and anger over past events, as well as fears and hopes for the future, are the greatest stumbling blocks to our ability to be at Peace in the present. Yet, while it sounds like a simple task, remaining in the present entails more than just existing in the current moment.
Living in the present involves keeping our thoughts, emotions and conversations focused on NOW. It means refusing to allow old memories and hurts or future hopes and plans, and the feelings they engender, to reside for any length of time in our minds or bodies.
When you notice that you are ruminating on what has already occurred or contemplating what might happen, gently bring your full attention back to the present. Open yourself up to the ever-unfolding possibilities by each moment.
Do it now ... And now ... and now.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
For many, the late 20th century philosopher, Ram Dass's seminal book, Be Here Now, served as a starting point to their spiritual journey. If you find yourself distracted by feelings and emotions, take a deep full breath, hold for a moment and gently release this essential source of nourishment.
By staying in the moment of the breath, we are able to connect with the source of the Divine.
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today?
Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present." Babatunde Olatunji
May you know and be Peace.
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair 2023-24
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair 2023-24
Dear Friends of Peace,
Imagining Peace before you fall asleep may predispose the subconscious mind to enable pleasant dreams. Dreams that may provide guidance if you choose to embark on the:
37th Ripple of Peace: Go on a vision quest of Peace.
Native Americans marked the transition of young boys into manhood through vision quests. An adolescent boy was sent into the desert or forest for several days or longer, dependent only on himself for survival, until he received a vision of what his future would hold or what direction his life was to take. Today numerous spiritual and adventure oriented tour companies sponsor vision quests, with guided activities leading up to and following participants' solo journeys into the wilderness.
If this idea call to you, check out what is available in your area and online. Then sign up for a guided quest to clarify your vision of Peace. Or consider going on an extended solo camping trip or taking short trips in nature, to contemplate what Peace is for you. Chances are that your foray into the territories of self reliance and silence will offer up new insights and inspiration for creating Peace in your life.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
For those of us that have settled into the latter season of life, the idea of embarking on a traditional vision quest may be a daunting consideration. Still, as the journey of a thousand miles represents a grand trek, the visions along the way will only be revealed once we embark.
May you receive your vision of Peace