Update on the Merger of Districts 5490 and 5510
Q- What is happening right now to prepare for the official merger date of July 1, 2017?
A- Currently, all aspects of the preparations are being conducted by bi-district teams. Responsibilities are shared between the ‘Steering Committee’ (a project coordinating team) and 15 Task Area Teams, each of which focuses on a specific program or area of District operation.  
   As you can imagine, the individual programs and areas have varying degrees of complexity.  So, all Task Groups are at different stages of progress.  First Status Reports of their progress can be found at http://azrotarymerger.info/task-groups/.
Q- How can I get answers to any questions I might have?
A- All members are invited to contact anyone on the Steering Committee or the Task Area Teams with questions, feedback and suggestions.  http://azrotarymerger.info/2016/01/21/steering-committee/