2015-16 Rotary year was fantastic!

By PDG Paul Pulicken

Dear Friends in Rotary:

2015-16 Rotary year finished with golden final lines of Foundation giving, Global Grants and District grants during 2015-16.

The successes of 5490 over the past 26 years has been a storied journey for thousands of Rotarians and their families, working together, and doing good in the world.
The success story of past Rotary year is the work of your minds, your hands, and your hearts. I thank each one of you for your contributions to Foundation, participation in Global and District grants. I thank you for your service, for your trust, and for your confidence in me. Thank for “leading the year by example” and you are A Gift to the World
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”. Henry Ford
District numbers
Annual Fund giving
Total giving
Global Grants -Total value
District Grants Total value
Zone ranking 2015-16
Club Participation -Global Grants
Club Participation in Polio Plus