What Would Be a Good Gift for Your Club?
By PDG Lucinda General
      Assistant Rotary Coordinator Zone 26
I have an idea!  
What about naming the new baby!  No, no, no I am not advocating that someone gets pregnant and has a baby, I am advocating that your club takes the time to elect a club president to serve in 2018-2019.
All clubs have their current presidents in 2016-17 and in December 2015 all clubs should have named the person to serve in 2017-18. Now as we enter December 2016 it is time to pick the next person. Some of you are shaking your heads that this sounds nutty. But really and truly this is correct as stated in the standard Rotary Club Constitution. Presidents shall be elected 18 months to 24 months before taking office. And yes, Rotary International follows this same pattern. Here are the current and incoming Rotary International Presidents who will be leading us internationally.
Many of you know I have worked on the Arizona PETS committee for many years. Based on that, I can tell you that in all three Arizona districts, there are numerous clubs who lag behind in the election process. My best guess is that 60% of clubs are playing catch up and will now be electing the 2017-18 person. Pease prove me wrong! Blow the statistics out of the water and get your club on track.
Please as a gift to the future strength, stability and success of your club, catch up the process! Even if you have to name two people in this election cycle. Rally your members together, step up and reach for the future.
Wishing You Safe and Happy Holidays
Lucinda General
Assistant Rotary Coordinator
Arizona – Zone 26