During our conference at the Wigwam in early June, the clubs in our District voted to 1) adopt an initial version of a Strategic Plan, and 2) to create a new district Strategic Planning Committee.
This new committee met on Saturday, July 14, to discuss moving the adopted plan toward a more robust plan that will serve the clubs in our district for years to come. The committee members include PDG Chuck Fitzgerald (Chair), PDG George Wheeler, PDG Charlie Tegarden, Marcy Maslov, Kaitlynn Wilcoxson and Teresa Giarrusso.
Please review this Strategic Plan and forward any comments or suggestions you might have to chuckfitzgerald@gmail.com, or to any of the committee's members. If you have any interest in participating in the continued development of the plan, please let one of us know.
Lastly – look for another update following the committee's September meeting.