Peacebuilding is one of Rotary's six Areas of Focus, and almost all of the projects our clubs undertake worldwide contribute to that goal.
The United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution in 1981 that established an “International Day of Peace” that is observed around the world each year on September 21. It is a day devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace, and activities that promote peaceful relations and reduce conflict are held by Rotary clubs around the globe in connection with this observance.
Our District is no exception! Be sure to read about the Peoria Rotary Club’s Third Annual event If your club has a peace-related activity or idea to share in this monthly newsletter segment, please contact Nancy Van Pelt to submit.
“Let There Be Peace on Earth” ~ Centennial High School Bel Canto Choir
A Resource for You and Your Club
The recently-launched Rotary Peace Academy is a free online training course. Through it you’ll discover strategies and tools that can help individuals, clubs, cities and nations to build and sustain peace. Based on the transformational Eight-Pillar Positive Peace framework, the academy will help strengthen your knowledge and identify concrete ways to enhance and engage in Rotary’s work in peace and conflict resolution through all Areas of Focus. Go to
Yours in Peace,
PDG Nancy