Message from Michael G. Hayes
Chair, Rotary Action Group For Peace
Since the beginning of this Rotary year, we have focused on being intentional about Peace.
There is no greater intentionality about peace than this month’s Rotary theme, Economic and Community Development.
A community that is successful and sustainable is a community that can be successful and sustainable socially. If each member of the community is invested in the economic and social success of all members of the community,  levels of conflict will drop and levels of cooperation, communication, respect, and other positive interaction will rise. Peace is more than an absence of conflict; it is communities of people positively interacting with one another in a manner that builds community resilience. Peace begins at the personal and community level.
Within each of our communities exist opportunities for Economic and Community development. It can be as simple as supporting local businesses. Youth projects that help kids maintain their focus on their education, help them appreciate differences, supporting and empowering girls and young women, teaching respect for each other are all areas of Community Development opportunity.
Having Rotary Club projects that pull together different groups in the community to interact, have fellowship, and learn how to communicate with each other is a great community resilience project.
Let’s be intentional about Peace, let's start in our own communities!!!