The Rotary Club of Phoenix West invites Rotarians and clubs throughout District 5495 to join them in a holiday project to benefit families living in the Osborn School District in Phoenix.

The club is encouraging cash contributions or donations of $25 gift cards from Safeway, Fry’s or Walmart. The deadline to provide the gift cards is Nov. 30.

Make checks payable to The Phoenix West Rotary Foundation and mail to Treasurer David Caplan’s attention at P.O. Box 35010, Phoenix, 85069 or send him any $25 gift cards you have purchased from Safeway Walmart or Frys. 

Donations may also be made via Vimeo or Zelle. 

 When all contributions are received, David will make one check from the Foundation and the club will get it to the Osborn District for purchase of $25 gift cards for families in need.  The Foundation is donating $1,500, the amount used for food purchases in previous years.  The minimum suggested amount per Rotarian is $50, or an amount you feel comfortable with and/or consistent with what you’ve spent in past years for clothing and a toy. 

 This project lacks the involvement and hands-on experiences of projects pre-COVID, but food is very much in need for many Osborn families. The pandemic and resulting school closures necessitated a change of plans last year, so the club instituted the project of donating gift cards – a project that we will repeat again this year.

The club last year donated $3,825 to the district -- $1,500 from the club foundation and $1,875 in cash and $50 in gift cards from members.