Posted by PDG Nancy Van Pelt
Is your club looking for a Service Project to consider?
The Rotary Week of Service is April 17-24, 2021

Rotary Grows Peace

This doable, meaningful service project addresses two of Rotary's 7 Areas of Focus: "Peace" and "Supporting our Environment." Promoting peace has long been a Rotary priority and supporting the environment was recently added recently to our Rotary efforts. Changes in climate have deeply affected
world peace. The loss of farmland, persistent drought and violent storms have disrupted people living on the margins all over the world. The upheaval and massive migrations of starving, frightened people resonate with all of us.


Building even one garden or planting one tree can provide benefits to a community. Imagine if Rotarians all over the state contributed their efforts to "green and growing" projects!  Working with local partners we can contribute toward improved air quality while help ing to stabilize lives all over the world.

Interested? Start by identifying potential agencies and/or partners to approach. Your club might engage schools and colleges, County Master Gardeners, governments, private garden s and landscape centers Partnering with other Rotary Clubs will expand club resources Project ideas are provided below.


Conducting a Needs Assessment is a best practice that will ensure your project fits with a community need and builds in sustainability and future maintenance. Assessment questions might include:


  • Have you consider ed doing a garden related project?
  • If so, what kind of project are you interested in?
  • If not, what kind of project would interest you?
  • What resources do you currently have that might help support this type of project?
  • How might we assist you in develop ing and carry ing out a such a project?
  • After completion, how might sustainability and future maintenance be achieved?


  • Construct raised vegetable and flower beds in assisted care or nursing home facilities that are wheel chair accessible.
  • Build vegetable and flower beds in elementary schools or other locations.
  • Construct or refurbish "parklets" with shade trees.
  • Install a public pollinator or xeriscape demonstration garden with all plants labeled so they might be easily replicated in a back yard garden.
  • Assist with garden projects at YMCAs o rBoys and Girls Clubs.
  • Sponsor and/or teach an outdoor class for youth on planting and growing seeds.
  • Plant trees for your city, county or school district.
  • Build compost containers for recycling vegetable and garden waste.

This All Arizona Rotary service project was developed by your Arizona Rotary Peacebuilders Networks