Posted by Phoenix West Rotary "West Side Story"



Not everybody celebrates Christmas, but everyone can have a Christmas spirit which is ”simply an honest spirit of love for all humanity. It is theforce that moves us to give what we can, to help as we are able and to always be of kind comfort.”

~Richelle Goodrich. 

Here are three components to consider;

Giving: In order to embrace the true meaning of Christmas, we need to reach down within ourselves and be willing to give ourselves and others our love. The gifts we give are a symbol of our love, not an obligation. As we give, so we should reflect upon the fact that no gift can truly ever equal the love we give to another person and the time spent together with them.

Appreciating: Appreciation is so important. We may feel dissatisfied with our lives, focusing on all the things we want to have. Yet, we spend almost no time appreciating what we already have, and feeling grateful for it. Gratitude, appreciation for what we have and a loving heart, these are what the Christmas spirit is all about.

Doing service: Embracing the spirit of Christmas also means giving to those most in need. Doing some service for someone in need or even anonymously leaving a donation. Such actions demonstrate an understanding of the real nature of Christmas. We can enjoy this period more fully when we help others who are in need.