Submitted by PDG Nancy Van Pelt, chair of the District Peacebuilders Network
Listening was a recurring theme at the 4th Annual Pursuing Peace Conference on Sept. 17, and rightfully so.
Peace is possible when people are willing to listen to each other’s perspectives. Listening conveys respect and a desire to understand a perspective that may seem wrong, outrageous, even ridiculous.  Conference presenter Dr. Clyde Rivers stated that “Every conversation has a spirit behind it.” He reminded us that we come from varying life histories and there can be valid reasons for other viewpoints.
If people whom I love, respect, and value (including fellow Rotarians) do not share my philosophy, my approach, or my values, are they ‘wrong?’  Are they sadly misguided?  Must I argue with or shun them? Should I try to convince them that my own approach is the only right approach?  NO!  And, would I like respectful listening afforded to me?  Of course!
We can all achieve greater inner peace and peace in our relationships by purposefully setting aside our own emotional reactions and demonstrating interest in another perspective.  We can treat each other with a learner’s desire for understanding.  Ultimately, our viewpoint may not change, but that really is not the objective.  We are somehow more ‘enlightened,’ and we are building Goodwill and Better Friendships.
Here’s a Peace Challenge for October… initiate a conversation with someone whose viewpoint is counter to your own.  After you truly listen to understand, ask for permission to share your own perspective.  
*The Peacebuilders Network meets on the 1st Tuesday of most months from 5 to 5:45 p.m. All Rotarians/Rotaractors are invited to join us by requesting the meeting link here.