Peace Building in District 5495

Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
Dear Friends of Peace,
When we empower our friends to make their own choices regarding Peace it is important to practice the :
66th Ripple of Peace: Avoid responding in anger
Words gain strength when accompanied by strong emotions. Words of anger, when spoken from the feeling of anger, carry intense energy that can rupture relationships in ways that are challenging to repair.
The next time you are tempted to vent your anger toward someone you care about, stop. Give yourself as much time as necessary, perhaps removing yourself from the situation, until you can express how you feel in a caring way. While you may still feel anger, allow yourself to reconnect with your heart before you speak.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
Anger is an aspect of the human condition that doesn't serve the Peacebuilder. By transforming negative into positive energy, we demonstrate the potential to achieve Peace.
May you know and be Peace.
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
Dear Friends of Peace,
After we've made Peace with those close to us, we are prepared to practice the:
63rd Ripple of Peace: Share your knowledge and ideas about Peace with your family and friends.
It is fun to share our passion for Peace with others. We may ignite a spark of interest in another person that burns brightly for a long time. Plus, we may discover others that are eager to work with us on Peace projects that are near and dear to our hearts.
Talk about Peace with your family and friends. Tell them what Peace means to you and what you are doing to remain Peaceful in your life and to help create Peace in the world. Invite them to share their thoughts and experiences of Peace with you, and listen openly to their ideas.
Remember to respect other points of view and remain Peaceful during your conversations.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
May you know and be Peace ...
Once you've been heard, you are prepared to practice the:
64th Ripple of Peace: Listen attentively with an open mind and heart
Listening is an art. To truly listen to someone is to remain empty of our own opinions and willing to learn something new. This ability to listen to another, without having or promoting our own agendas, helps us feel Peaceful within ourselves. It also generates goodwill and strengthens our relationships with those we love.
Practice listening with an open mind and heart. Remain Peaceful and pay full attention to what your husband, wife, partner or child is saying. Expect to gain new insights while listening to a friend. Be especially vigilant in listening attentively to someone with ideas that differ from yours.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
By listening we show respect. To be respected ... listen.
May you know and be Peace.
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
Dear Friends of Peace,
Resolution of conflict in general is a challenging process, especially with someone you love. Once achieved, one is prepared to practice the:
59th Ripple of Peace: Refrain from participating in others' arguments.
Arguments are full of powerful energy. They can carry anger, resentment, fear, jealosy, greed, hatred and other limiting emotions that feed on the energy of anyone in their vicinity.
Learn to remain centered in Peace when you are in close proximity to the arguing of others, especially when the conflict is among relatives and friends. Refuse to participate or be drawn into the argument. Remove yourself from the situation if necessary.
Once you able to maintain your own Peace while others argue, you may choose to add 
Peaceful energy to the volitle situation and perhaps help diffuse an argument, through Peaceful interaction. Do this only if you can remain loving toward all parties, in both your thoughts and words, and detached from the content of the argument.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
May you know and be Peace.
Maintaining a neutral position when subjected to the dynamics of an argument can be a daunting task. Yet by practicing this week's ripple that goal can be more easily achieved. 
60th Ripple of Peace: Be aware of what you are thinking, saying, and listening to concerning the people close to you.
Quantum physics asserts there is no such thing as objective observation at the subatomic level. The very act of observation influences the appearance of that which is being observed. In a similar fashion, when we put our attention on the specific qualities or behaviors of the people around us, we can influence what we see. Our thoughts and words can have an effect on all the people involved.
Pay attention to the thoughts that you allow to occupy your mind, especially when it comes to your beliefs and expectations regarding the people you love. You do them a disservice by thinking badly of them or holding on the unrealistic expectations. On the other hand, you help them immeasurably by focusing on their good qualities and accepting them for who they are.
Be aware of what you say about the people that you love. Talk about your friends and family members only in ways that respect and empower them. In addition, refrain from participating in gossip or listening to derogatory remarks about the people in your life.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
Loved ones and friends are invaluable gifts. Treat them with the respect they deserve.
May you know and be Peace.
By being aware of what we are thinking, saying and listening to concerning the people close to you prepares us to practice the:
61st Ripple of Peace: Teach Peace by example.
People respond to as much or more to what we do than to what we say. This is especially true with children, for whom our actions tend to speak louder than our words.
Demonstrate Peacefulness in your interactions with others. Whether you are talking with friends about controversial issues or disciplining your children, remain calm and at Peace as you speak. Use effective conflict resolution techniques to diffuse arguments in your family and to keep Peace with friends.
Make your day-to-day actions consistent with the consciousness of Peace.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
Be the Peace ...
On behalf of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation, Khadim Hussain Fayez has been selected to receive a 2025-26 Rotary Peace Fellowship for studies as part of the Rotary Peace Centers program. 
Fayez has been selected to study for a master’s degree at the University of Bradford, in England, beginning in the fall of 2025. The Rotary Foundation and its university partners considered candidates from all over the world for the Rotary Peace Fellowships in a highly competitive selection process.
Fayez is the third applicant from D5495 since November 2021 to be selected. On behalf of your D5495 Rotary Peace Fellowship Committee we are pleased for Fayez, and we look forward to assisting your clubs as we continue to seek your collaboration in promoting this worthy Rotary peace program.
Remember, there is no cost to your club or D5495 to submit and support qualified applicants. To learn more, please go to our D5495 website, click on the ‘Peacebuilder” tab, and read the attachments under the “Peace Fellowship” heading.  Our experienced committee is available to provide you more information, as well as a short or full program at one of your club meetings. Or contact Tony below.
Peace and regards,
Tony Cerato
D5495 Rotary Peace Fellowship Subcommittee Chair
Phone:  719-351-6616
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
Dear Friends of Peace:
I hope your family meeting resulted in an elevated sense of Peace within your home. Discussions of Peace may be enhanced by practicing the,
55th Ripple of Peace: Start a family scrapbook of articles and stories about Peace, love, and beauty.
Although the news and entertainment media tend to report on conflict, violence and scandal, it is possible to find newspaper and magazine articles that speak to the heart and stir the soul. By paying attention to life affirming stories, we can strengthen the Peace, love and beauty in our lives.
Make the collection of positive stories a family affair. Ask each person to watch and listen for stories that affirm his or her vision of Peace, including associated qualities such as love, beauty, respect, kindness, generosity and compassion. Consider articles and images from various media, as well as hand-written or typed stories from family members that describe their positive personal experiences and observations
Gather everyone together periodically, perhaps once a month, to see and talk about what each family member has found. Then put all the items in your scrapbook.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
The process of creating a Peace-based family keepsake, such as a scrapbook, will form a bond among loved ones. A bond that can be strengthened by practicing the:
56th Ripple of Peace: Pray for or meditate on Peace with friends and family members.
The power of prayer and meditation is magnified exponentially when two or more people gather together for these purposes. In addition, meditating with others is often easier than meditating alone.
Add a prayer for Peace to the blessings offered at meal or bedtime. Remember that once you have asked for Peace, giving thanks for Peace is a good way to acknowledge your trust that your prayer has been answered.
Set up specific times to pray for or meditate on Peace with your friends, family or both. Invite people to bring their favorite Peace prayers and meditations to share. When meditating, you may choose to direct Peace and loving kindness to specific locations throughout your community and the world, or just allow the Peace that naturally comes from meditation to permeate the group and radiate outward.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
The power of prayer is far greater than we can comprehend.
May you know and be Peace.
Several East Valley Rotary Clubs and Rotarians participated in a special ceremony Sept. 26 celebrating the second anniversary of Mesa becoming the 362nd International City of Peace and a rededication of a Peace Pole in the Rose Garden at Mesa Community College.
The ceremony featured talks by Mesa Vice Mayor Francisco Heredia, Mesa Fire Chief Mary Carneli, Mesa Community College President Dr. Richard Daniel, Ph.D., and more. 
Current District 5495 Governor Michelle Holcomb and Past District Governor John Pennypacker were also in attendance.
Dr. Ruth Tan Lim, a member of the Rotary Club of Mesa Sunrise and Mesa Woman of the Year in 2011, spoke during the ceremony and explained the International City of Peace project.
"International cities of peace define peace as the consensus values of safety, prosperity and quality of life for all in the community. Indeed, peace is not a hope, it's a right," said Dr. Ruth Tan Lim.
Susan Stevens-Clarke, a member of the Chandler Horizon Rotary Club, initiated the re-dedication of the Peace Pole with the words, "May Peace Prevail on Earth."
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
Dear Friends of Peace,
Throughout the week, I hope you took the time to keep a journal of gratitude or Peace. When we become affected by troublesome circumstances, journal entries of gratitude and Peace will help us manage challenging times.
On other occasions, practice the,
51st Ripple of Peace: Surrender your worries to God
However good we get at handling our fear, anger and despair there are times when these problems are too big for us to endure and beyond the help of a friend or counselor. In these moments, it is essential that we learn to turn over our worries to a power greater than ourselves by whatever name we know it.
When you find yourself in a midst of a crisis or overwhelmed by troublesome thoughts and feelings, ask for help from God, Allah, Christ, Buddha or whomever you have come to call on in such times.
Once you have asked for divine intervention, let go of your worries and trust that your request is granted.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
An active relationship with a higher power is an incredible gift. Through prayer we are able to release that which is beyond our control. For those that may not have such a relationship, there's no time like the present.
May you know and be Peace.
How many of our Clubs, and our Rotarians personally have participated in a Rotary project in Mexico, Thailand, Afghanistan, Africa, India, Ukraine, Australia, South America, the United States, and many other parts of our Rotary world?  What do all these countries have in common?  They have all had Peace Fellows come from their environs to be awarded a fully-funded master’s degree through the Rotary Peace Fellowship program. And they have all become greater peacebuilders for this experience.
Think of someone you personally know, or in your social and professional network who are working in any of Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus (locally, nationally, or overseas), already has a bachelor’s degree, and would be interested in a master’s degree or Professional Development Certificate.  D5495 can assist them with this process.  Although the application process does not begin until February 1, 2025, it is never too early to start preparing for this opportunity.
Help us find qualified candidates here in Arizona, as well as in other areas of the world.  Please go to the D5495 website’s Peacebuilding TAB and click on the Peace Fellowships/Peace Center links to share information with your clubs as well as others who might benefit from this amazing opportunity.
For club programs and/or more information, please go to
Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
48th Ripple of Peace: Practice radical forgiveness.
Forgiveness is often more easily spoken about than granted. Yet it is one of the most promising tools for Peace, primarily because of the change in consciousness that accompanies it. Forgiveness frees the forgiver from the confines and consequences of negative emotions and opens the heart to possibilities previously unknown.
Today's world cries out for the radical forgiveness of individuals seemingly beyond such blessing, offering us both the challenge and the opportunity to turn our lives around.
Make a list people for whom you believe forgiveness is not an option. Then study spiritual and religious texts on the subject of forgiveness, most of which value and promote the act of forgiving.
Be the one who forgives.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
To forgive is to be forgiven.
May you know and be Peace.
49th Ripple of Peace: Cultivate the qualities of admired Peacemakers.
Some people, both from the past and in the present, provide excellent role models for those of us searching for ways to promote Peace. Each of these Peacemakers had or has qualities that set them apart from their contemporaries.
Make a list of people whose Peacemaking abilities you admire. Read about their private and public lives to determine the personal characteristics that you most admire in them.
Develop and refine these qualities within yourself.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
For the Christian believers among us we have an easy go to person. Yet, in every faith tradition there are great examples of Peacemakers that deserve emulation. Rumi, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Benazir Bhutto and among others, perhaps the humblest, Peace Pilgrim.
By becoming familiar with the qualities of a Peacemaker with which we resonate, we can quickly answer the question, "What would ... do?"
May you know and be Peace.
The qualities of Peacebuilders that we admire can become as familiar as a favorite garment. The more we are seen wearing our Peacebuilder garment, the easier for others to recognize these qualities. As you journey through life this week, be sure to tuck this ripple into an inner pocket.
50th Ripple of Peace: Keep a journal of gratitude or Peace
Gratitude is a stepping stone to inner Peace. It is nearly impossible to feel upset and grateful or Peaceful at the same time.
Count your blessings by keeping a gratitude journal, as recommended by Sarah Ban Breathnach in Simple Abundance. Write down, either daily of weekly, everything for which you feel thankful. Record both the little and big things in your life and keep the journal up to date.
You may also choose to keep a Peace journal. Write down the times you have felt at Peace during the day or week.
Begin to increase the amount of time you invest in the activities, people and environments that you associate with gratitude and Peace.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
The first entry in my journal is, " I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service through this incredible organization, known as Rotary." What will be yours?
May you know and be Peace.