Submitted by Robert Wertz
District 5495 Peacebuilder Chair
48th Ripple of Peace: Practice radical forgiveness.
Forgiveness is often more easily spoken about than granted. Yet it is one of the most promising tools for Peace, primarily because of the change in consciousness that accompanies it. Forgiveness frees the forgiver from the confines and consequences of negative emotions and opens the heart to possibilities previously unknown.
Today's world cries out for the radical forgiveness of individuals seemingly beyond such blessing, offering us both the challenge and the opportunity to turn our lives around.
Make a list people for whom you believe forgiveness is not an option. Then study spiritual and religious texts on the subject of forgiveness, most of which value and promote the act of forgiving.
Be the one who forgives.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
To forgive is to be forgiven.
May you know and be Peace.
49th Ripple of Peace: Cultivate the qualities of admired Peacemakers.
Some people, both from the past and in the present, provide excellent role models for those of us searching for ways to promote Peace. Each of these Peacemakers had or has qualities that set them apart from their contemporaries.
Make a list of people whose Peacemaking abilities you admire. Read about their private and public lives to determine the personal characteristics that you most admire in them.
Develop and refine these qualities within yourself.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
For the Christian believers among us we have an easy go to person. Yet, in every faith tradition there are great examples of Peacemakers that deserve emulation. Rumi, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Benazir Bhutto and among others, perhaps the humblest, Peace Pilgrim.
By becoming familiar with the qualities of a Peacemaker with which we resonate, we can quickly answer the question, "What would ... do?"
May you know and be Peace.
The qualities of Peacebuilders that we admire can become as familiar as a favorite garment. The more we are seen wearing our Peacebuilder garment, the easier for others to recognize these qualities. As you journey through life this week, be sure to tuck this ripple into an inner pocket.
50th Ripple of Peace: Keep a journal of gratitude or Peace
Gratitude is a stepping stone to inner Peace. It is nearly impossible to feel upset and grateful or Peaceful at the same time.
Count your blessings by keeping a gratitude journal, as recommended by Sarah Ban Breathnach in Simple Abundance. Write down, either daily of weekly, everything for which you feel thankful. Record both the little and big things in your life and keep the journal up to date.
You may also choose to keep a Peace journal. Write down the times you have felt at Peace during the day or week.
Begin to increase the amount of time you invest in the activities, people and environments that you associate with gratitude and Peace.
From Ripples of Peace: 111 Ways You Can Help Create Peace in the World by, Rae Thompson.
The first entry in my journal is, " I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service through this incredible organization, known as Rotary." What will be yours?
May you know and be Peace.