What does the Rotary Leadership Institute offer?

The Institute offers a leadership development program in three full day sessions (Parts I, II and III). The courses are designed to provide Rotary knowledge and to develop leadership skills for voluntary organizations. Some examples of course sessions include:

  The Perfect Meeting A Look Outside the Club
  Membership Orientation and Activation Introduction to Leadership
  Creating Service Projects Problem Solving Workshops
  Vocational Service Effective Committees
  Membership Development The Rotary Foundation
  Analyzing a Rotary Club The Object of Rotary
  The District International Service Problems of Leadership
  Creative Service Written Communications
  Motivating Rotarians and Effecting Change Club Communications

Should our club participate?

If your club cares about its future, it will want the best leadership possible. This is an outstanding opportunity for each club to improve the Rotary knowledge of its key people, who will also be exposed to new ideas of leadership. The exchange of ideas with other experienced Rotarians alone makes the courses worthwhile.


Who should be nominated to attend the Institute courses?

The Institute recommends that clubs nominate those Rotarians who appear to have the potential for club lead- ership, not necessarily as future presidents. They should preferably be at least 3-4 years away from a possible presidency or other key leadership post. Candidates should certainly have a strong interest in Rotary and be ready to be exposed to the larger world of Rotary. The Institute requests each club to nominate one or two Rotarians each year and to support previous nominees in completing Parts II and III.


What are the teaching methods?

The Institute believes in course sessions with as much discussion/participation as possible. Discussion breakout sessions are limited to approximately 10-15 persons. Lectures are strictly limited. Course methods include discus- sion groups, role-playing, problem solving workshops, creating projects and audiovisual presentations. Everyone participates during one of the Institute’s sessions. A course workbook containing an Institute Manual, session program agendas, faculty listings and course outlines and materials, is provided to each attendee.

How do I register for RLI?

Use the Register link on the menu above to obtain registration information and register for future sessions. 

How do I learn more?

You may visit the Rocky Mountain Rotary Leadership Institute web site at www.rlifiles.com

Or contact Polly Cady, RLI Coordinator at 602-741-8835 or pcady@cadyfam.com

Why Enroll in RLI? Rotarian Testimonials
Graduating from the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) has been a rewarding journey, enriching my perspective on Rotary’s role in driving positive change both locally and globally. The program's thoughtfully designed sessions offered a deeper dive into Rotary's history, guiding principles, and organizational structure, allowing me to better grasp its mission and values.
One of the standout features of RLI was the emphasis on leadership growth. The program provided practical insights and tools to enhance my ability to lead. The discussions around strategic planning and collaborative leadership have equipped me to further my leadership role with confidence and purpose. Equally impactful was the chance to engage with fellow Rotarians from a variety of club compositions and backgrounds. The collaborative environment encouraged the exchange of diverse ideas and strategies, sparking new ways to approach service initiatives and fostering a sense of connection and shared goals. These interactions were as inspiring as they were educational, leaving me with a network of like-minded individuals dedicated to making a difference.
Completing the RLI program has strengthened my understanding of Rotary’s vision and given me the tools to contribute meaningfully to my club and community. I am excited to apply these learnings, bring fresh ideas to the table, and continue serving with greater impact and enthusiasm.
Kevin Maldonado, Rotary Club of Scottsdale
To All Rotarians, Old and New: 

I have been a Rotarian since 1970, serving as President in two clubs and have served as an Officer and on the Board of Directors member several times.
Recently I decided I should attend the Rotary Leadership Institute sessions to see what I have missed to be current with the goals of Rotary. I have been pleasantly surprised of what I had missed in all my years in Rotary. 

The sessions are very well done and present all of the goals of Rotary and the Foundation. I highly recommend that all Rotarians, regardless of how long you have been a member, should attend these sessions! Taking three Saturdays to attend will be very beneficial, I assure you. The cost is very minimal and our club, Mesa West, pays the fee of $65.00 per session. You should check with your club about that possibility!

Again, there is much to learn about Rotary if you attend these sessions! 

Dick Myren, member of Mesa West Rotary